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A software package is a collection of files or LTI links and information about those files. In 1EdTech, a package describes data structures to ensure the interoperability of digital content with content creation tools and platforms (LMS, SIS, CMS.)

"Zips" and "SCORMS" are commonly known packages. In this course we will talk about a package called Common Cartridge.


In LTI parlance, the platform serves as the service consumer as they are consuming and making available the tool.  In prior versions of LTI this was called the ‘tool consumer’ but that verbiage does not align with industry standard terminology and was retired.


Profile is a Caliper analytics term that means a grouping of Caliper events that help to solve for specific learning analytics use cases.


Product Steering Committee (PSC) - a contributing member only group where the work of moving the needle in innovation with open standards is done through conversations between Supplier Partners and Institutional Members. 

Example: The OneRoster Product Steering Committee has been working on use cases and stories to influence the ongoing development of the standards.